6 Tips To Generate Good Returns On Your Investment Portfolio by Dr. Chandrakantha Bhat

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Episode 1: 6 Steps To Generate Good Returns On Your Investment Portfolio

The episode discusses six proven steps to generate good return on your portfolio .

1. Do Not do mistakes , or keep mistakes under check – Each mistake becomes a drag on your portfolio .

2. You do not need to save a lot . But save with discipline and save for long term . The power of compounding grows your money to huge amounts in longer periods of time .

3. Do not aim to generate a particular rate of return , instead aim to generate returns in excess of bank rate of return or at best beat inflation . You create wealth only when you beat inflation . Purpose of investing activity is to generate wealth which is possible only when you beat inflation .

4. Do not invest in anything which is currently in fashion . Any investment which is trending today is on its last leg of upward move and obviously it loses steam and the next leg is a downward move and you get trapped.

5. Do not overexpose your self to any single asset class . Each asset class has its cycle . No single asset class performs consistently . A proven formula is to invest in every single asset class in a intelligent mix and not to succumb to temptation of falling prey to affection towards any one .

6. Compartmentalize your investments : This is very essential to generate optimum returns and choice of proper investment vehicles . In the absence of this your investments will get mixed up and may create unsatisfactory results .

If you follow these simple six steps , your investment portfolio should do very well .

NRI Money Clinic is a youtube channel created by Dr. Chandrakantha Bhat , an investment consultant and financial planner in Dubai . It aims to spread financial literacy and educate on money matters for resident and non resident Indians . The channel discusses subjects like Fixed Deposits , Taxation , Mutual Funds , Insurance , Specific Issues pertaining to NRI community and every other investment opportunity.

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Role of a Financial Planner: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZPnnn3NqyM

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